In the Kitchen: Cheese Pie

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a recipe as there are so many sites out there dedicated to doing that better than I can. But occasionally there’s something I discover which pushes all the right buttons for me, and this is one of those ideas. ‘Cheese pie’ is a fabulous way to use up milk that’s no longer fresh, or just to preserve a surplus of milk a little longer if you don’t want to make cheese.


Allow your milk to separate (a very clean glass bottle is a good place for this), which should take a couple of days on the kitchen worktop. The longer you allow your milk to remain unstrained once it’s turned, the stronger it will taste. Strain the resultant lumpy milk through a cloth. For this dish we want the curds (the lumpy part)**.

Mix the curds with chopped onion, parsley, garlic, salt and dry porridge oats. Mix and match your additions to suit what you’ve got. I’ve no hard and fast measurements for you, but the cheese pie photographed contained the curds from about 2 litres of milk, about 700g porridge oats, 2 onions, and handful of parsley, 4 cloves of garlic and about 2 tablespoons of rough salt. You’re looking for a consistency which goes splat from a spoon rather than running.

Pour into a tray and pop in a mid temperature oven until it starts to brown. I’ve been sticking it in at the end of the evening and allowing the fire to die down.

Cut into slabs and serve hot or cold. Fried up as an addition to a cooked breakfast is fab (think veggie black pudding replacement). Apparently it keeps well but I’ve as yet been unable to test that theory 🙂

I’m planning to put this to the test by making in advance of this summer’s Permaculture Design Courses. Another excellent reason to join us!



** The whey (liquid part) isn’t required for this recipe, but don’t waste it as it’s full of goodness. You can reserve and use elsewhere in the kitchen, in any savoury dish where you’d normally use milk or water. It’s often given to pigs, which is great if you have pigs. If you decide to give it to your dogs they’ll love it.  Just remember that you have live with their digestion systems afterwards though.










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