Author: Andrea

  • Optimist

    You know, one of the great things about growing a garden is that you can try again next year. Here’s this year’s carrot harvest. I’m looking for recipe suggestions πŸ₯•πŸ₯•πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ₯•πŸ₯•

  • Good idea?

    Anyone who has seen me walking the goats or sheep will appreciate my excitement at this brilliant idea! Only I’ll need one with caterpillar tracks to cope with the terrain. Jeroen? Where’s your to do list?   Meet the sheep (and the rest of us!) by joining us on our full accredited Permaculture Design Course more Β»

  • Don’t Miss August Permaculture Design Course

    It’s less than a month until our final Permaculture Design Course of 2018 begins. Please don’t miss out! Our lead teacher for this course will be Michel Thill of Social Landscapes, supported by Jeroen and myself (Andrea). Participants will receive an internationally recognised certificate from the UK Permaculture Association. Full details here.   Take a more Β»

  • Trouble!

    I love this photo. Mum Dona plus two sorts of trouble πŸ™‚ These little guys are the remaining pigs from Dona’s litter, enjoying their last days with Mum before Dona rejoins d’Rock (our boar).      

  • Permaculture Design Course photos June 2018

    It’s taken me rather a long time to get these uploaded, but here are my favourite photos from our May/June Permaculture Design Course, with many thanks to the photographers Andy, Josh and David. If you missed this course, we’ve another beginning on 17th August. Please join us then. Details here.

  • Grazing

    Jeroen has been putting in a huge amount of effort over the last weeks to install new fencing which will allow our animals to graze more effectively. We’re not just looking to feed the animals from the land, but use their eating, manuring and treading to actually improve the quality of the soil, the plant more Β»

  • Hot Day, Cool Pig

    Hot day, hot pig. Cool bath, cool pig.

  • Sheep Shearing

    Today I’m feeling rather as if I’ve been run over by a horse, but perhaps it would be more accurate to say a sheep. Yesterday our neighbour and local Super Hero, Carlos, came round to help us shear the sheep. I say help, but he did all the shearing of course, and our job was more Β»

  • Grazing

    These pictures were before and after the pigs were run on the field then the land allowed to recover. The quality and diversity is much improved.

  • Permaculture in practice

    Permaculture in practice – Every element should have more than one functionΒ πŸ˜†πŸ˜†     These little bundles are looking for new homes. If you can offer one, give us a shout.